Media materials I found about William Moseley when he went on with his acting career, after his stint as Peter Pevensie in the Chronicles of Narnia movie series was over.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
William at the World Premiere of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Friday, October 1, 2010
Montreal or Toronto? (posted 12th May 2010) and (posted 13th May 2010) say it will be in Montreal. Whereas, (posted 12th May 2010) and (also posted 12th May 2010) say it will be shot in Toronto.
If fans are going to "stalk" them shooting, where in Canada are they to go - Toronto or Montreal? Does anybody know????? Hope we'll hear / read on the shooting developments soon!!!! ;-)
Meanwhile, here's a video clip of William announcing the nominees and winner for Best New Artist at the World Music Awards 2010 in Monte Carlo last 18th May 2010! I think he was stunning!
Monday, September 27, 2010
At the Teen Choice Awards 2010
Somebody posted a vid of them on You Tube and here it is!!
Emma Roberts' hair is dyed so black she looks so Spanish. I wonder if her character in the movie calls for a girl of Spanish descent?
Apparently, shooting for their film in Montreal has already started also last month although William was spotted having lunch with friends in Los Angeles, California on the 5th August 2010. Charismatic fansite posted 8 photos of him having that relaxed time with friends but most of them are not so flattering so I chose only two to post here. He looked a bit old and funny in the other photos. Apparently, he's been spending a lot of time in the beach in CA. Meanwhile, Charismatic has also updated the release date for the movie to be 2011.

Spot the shoes - those must be the closest to what he wears as flip-flops??
Photos are courtesy of Charismatic fansite. All credit goes to them and I thank them for continually updating us on what's going on with William.
Stand Up to Cancer
I'm happy and proud for William being involved in this charitable cause!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Harvardian William

Looks like this will be the "Harvardian" look William will be sporting for the movie "A Great Education"? Photos taken at the 2010 World Music Awards in Monte Carlo on 18th May 2010, courtesy of Charismatic fansite.
Hurray! It's Emma Roberts!!!

Woooooop! has updated their post on "A Great Education" and Hilary Duff is gone from the cast list and Emma Roberts and William Moseley have been added instead! It's confirmed, William will be in this movie and filming starts this Fall in Toronto!!! (I doubt if it can be released this year as claimed by Charismatic fansite though. Shooting in Autumn is a bit too late for a Christmas release.)
Yeeehaaaa!! I had always thought Emma Roberts is a more apt partner for William Moseley because of the "wholesome" history of both. Roberts really grew up in the TV series "Unfabulous" and it was one of the shows we used to watch at home when my children were younger, because it's a wholesome family show. In fact, my daughter holds her in high regard and has a DVD of Robert's movie "Nancy Drew", which she doesn't share with the rest of us! Besides, if "A Great Education" calls for singing, Roberts did sing and play guitar in "Unfabulous" quite a lot, and she's a singer and song-writer in her own right. I have also watched Roberts in "Aquamarine," a movie she made in 2006, and she's really awesomely wholesome in it. I think she's one actress who can really act and together with William Moseley, I think "A Great Education" would be A Really Great Movie!!! The added bonus is, with my daughter being a fan of Emma Roberts and me of William Moseley, we will have One Great Movie to look forward watching together. Saweeeeet!!! This is really, really Great News!!!
For those of you who would love to see William and Emma Roberts together in "A Great Education," please cast your vote in favor of Emma Roberts in the polls here. Enjoy and thanks for participating!! :D
Note: Charismatic fansite, the authority on everything William Moseley, also cited two other articles, one from and the other from Both articles mention that lensing will be done in Montreal instead of Toronto as posted by
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
It's William's 23rd Birthday!
You've gone a long, long way! May you have the best birthday ever and cheers for your ever-rising star in moviedom!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
It Better Be Soon! :-)

I can't find any more details on "A Great Education" movie except for those posted as early as May-June 2009. Crushable says the male lead actor has not been named yet. says they are still looking for two male leads. On the other hand, says the producer Laurence Mark also produced the movies "Jerry MaGuire" and "Dreamgilrs" before, as well as the 2009 Oscar ceremony. Meanwhile, this will be the first directorial job for Harvard educated Chris Keyser. Sounds all very upbeat so far. However, the same site also says filming was supposed to have started in October 2009, in Canada. So, looks like this is an overdue project. Hopefully, they would have made up their minds on the male lead role (the other male lead role having already been casted - Ben Kingsley) by now and this project will be on its way! Soon, really soon! It better be! (And with William in it.) :-)
Meanwhile, Charismatic fansite which has the latest news, says William's role will be "Charles" and the release date of the movie is 2010. Now that's really good to hear!
Friday, April 16, 2010
William Spotted Shopping

Photo courtesy of Charismatic fansite.
William Moseley was spotted shopping in Hollywood last 9th April 2010. I read about it in Charismatic fansite. He looks quite sad and he looks gaunt and grown. I hope it's not because of his disappointment over "Ironclad" falling through. I would rather think he's shaping up for some role that requires him to look slimmer and older. Well, he has to suddenly "grow up" in looks if he is to take up adult roles, different from the Narnia roles he had in the past.
It is always this transition from teen roles to adult ones that many actors fail to make the jump. To name a few: The singer Mandy Moore from a cameo role in "Princess Diaries" to nowhere, the talented Christy Carlson Romano from the highly successful "Even Stevens" TV series and movie to nowhere, Hayden Christensen of the massive blockbuster Star Wars movie series, to lacklustre "Jumper" and a few others, and hopefully not to nowhere... to name a few. Hilary Duff herself has had a series of unheard-of-movies, though she's worth millions from her albums, tours, movies and mostly, fashion line revenues, since the conclusion of Disney Channel's "Lizzie McGuire" tv series. So, putting these teen idols - Duff and Moseley - together in a kind of young adult movie in transition to real adult roles, would be betting a lot on their teen crowd-drawing abilities. It does sound a pretty interesting project - a scholarly guy and a socialite pop singer girl put together - this "A Great Education" venture is. I really hope it does pull through, with William in it.
William looks a bit haggard in the shopping photos posted by Charismatic fansite but I notice his adult bone structure is starting to become more prominent. It's a bone structure similar to that of Brad Pitt and Robert Redford. Hmmmm, now that sounds really promising.I also like the fact that he has retained his dress style - tight-fitting dark pants and a loose shirt. Let's hope his longish hairstyle is in preparation for his intellectual look in the hoped-for movie "A Great Education."
I do hope the rumors of William being in it would prove true, and that he and Duff would boost each other's careers. But whatever the outcome, I still wish William all the best in his acting career and that he will be happy in his personal life as well.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
William to Star with Hilary Duff?

There’s a movie In Development titled, “A Great Education,” with Hilary Duff and Ben Kingsley in the cast, to be directed by Chris Keyser. It is rumoured that William will be in it too, as Hilary Duff’s love interest. Not many people are happy with this though because some don’t like her and because she is a singer and her first movies- “The Lizzie McQuire Movie” and "Raise Your Voice" - had a lot of singing, they think William will be singing with her in this one, too. On the other hand, many fans would also like to see William try his hand on something new. Well, what do YOU think? :-)
You can check out Coming Soon’s page on this movie "In Development," or IMDB’s. If you have an IMDBPro account, apparently, you can access more insider's scoop on this in-development project, such as its tentative cast.
I hope William lands a good role soon, whether it be in this movie or not!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Andrew Adamson Spotted in “Boy” Movie Premier

Andrew Adamson directed The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Chronicles of Narnia 2: Prince Caspian. However, he decided to spend more time with his family and opted to be (only) inactively involved in the production of the next instalment to the Chronicles of Narnia movie series, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”. He is believed to be in semi-retirement in Auckland with his family at the moment.
Since we moved here in October 2008 I had always hoped that one day I would kind of bump into him ^_________^ (bwaaaahaha!!!!) in some mall, supermarket, park, petrol station, etc. I don’t dare say social event because I am not of the social status that can be in the same event as he would be – like parents-teachers meeting, school gala, charity show, concert and yes, a movie premier!! And so, indeed, I haven’t had the freak “luck” to encounter him in my daily lacklustre routine, because I am 100% positive we don’t live in the same neighbourhood. (Another big bwaaaaahaha!!!) I’m sure he lives in some millionaires’ row somewhere, most likely in North Shore, though it could be as remote as Coromandel, too, where he shot the opening scene for Prince Caspian, together with the wonderful cast of that spectacular Prince Caspian movie, including of course, the actor we all long to see in the movies again – William Moseley!! ^____________^ (Hint! Hint! We want William back!!)
So, a movie entitled “Boy,” made by the Kiwi director Taika Waititi premiered here in Auckland last Wednesday, 24th March 2010, and Mr. Andrew Adamson was spotted as one of the distinguished guests, together with a lady named Nikki Donald. Unfortunately, I can’t find a clue in the dubdubdub (Kiwi English for www) on who this handsome-looking lady is. I scanned the photo and put it up here, which I found in “View” magazine which comes with today’s, 28th march 2010 Sunday, issue of The New Zealand Herald. The movie is about a boy who adulates Michael Jackson and thinks that his dad is some special person like his idol. However, it turns out his dad was in prison. When his dad came out of jail it turned out he wasn’t the kind of person the boy had in mind.

Director Andrew Adamson at work with Will and the rest of the cast of the Narnia "Prince Caspian" movie. Sometimes I wonder if he and William could be reunited in a project in the future. Meanwhile, Adamson is slated to direct the next fantasy-adventure "Fountain City".
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Scream the Pulse - Join the Polls for William
I wonder how many feel the same way. What's the fans' pulse for William's next movie/s ?? I know William Moseley and his agents will never get to read this but it would be fun just to know how others feel and think about this. Shall we have some fun and find out? Scream the pulse for William! Join the polls below! :-D Sorry, you can have only one choice for each item. Have fun, dear friends!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Is William Still Dating Katie Brown?
But if you are curious who is Katie Brown, you can "meet" her here:
Katie Brown as Fashion Mag Intern
And you can see photos of her with William here!

These two above were taken from
Whereas this one below with Perry Moore was taken from

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Just Jared Did Say William No Longer in "Ironclad"

I just looked at and they say, as of their 26 Oct 2009 post, that they can confirm that William is no longer with "Ironclad." Hmmmm, that is sooooo disappointing. They posted 10+ pics of him walking out of a Blockbuster video shop carrying DVDs of "Pride and Prejudice" (Keira Knightly and Matthew MacFadyen) and "The Proposal" (Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds). My hope is that he is auditioning for films that are of the type of these two - a Jane Austen classic and a modern romantic comedy. That wouldn't be bad, right?
You can see the post in justjared here: Blockbuster Boy
William Moseley in "Ironclad" or Not?
Megan Fox of "Transformers" fame isn't in the list either. She was once rumored to be in it as well.
However, when I checked IMDB's news, apparently footages of "Ironclad" filming have been released and they mention William being included in the cast. Hmmm, are they keeping it all mum to create excitement when his role is finalized? Will they announce a plum role for him to boost media attention at the movie's release??
Apart from these two links I haven't found anything else on William's next project/s.
After "Ironclad" I wonder what William's next project is going to be. Probably he will play Prince William of Wales when they make a movie on Prince William and Kate Middleton. :-)
What do you think, pals?
About Me
- alovestory
- The Many Versions of Love Stories 1. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, kiss and marry. They live happily ever after. 2. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, kiss and marry. The marriage sours, they part, and live happily ever after. 3. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, kiss and marry. Then boy finds out it's more fun to be girl... or girl finds out it's more fun to be boy, they part, change sexes and live happily ever after. 4.Finally, boy or girl meets God. It's love at first sight... The roads went rough, the tides rose high, the strong winds blew and the quake shook the ground... but they truly live happily ever after, forever and ever. 5. Try God's love... it's always happy forever after, and the story never ends. :-D